Does everything always need a title? A Direction?


You know there are times when you don't know what to do, you get lost, lost in the maze of wonders of your never-ending thoughts that haunt you wherever you go, in the woods of the cold forest you sleep in or in the thunderstorm of your cries. You have everything, the beacon of hope shining through the window but unable to surpass you because of the hole in your heart that's unable to heal, to be fixed or to be stitched. You want to tear it apart and get forward with life, you know the life they show in the fantasy dramas but yet they are fantasy and you are in reality. The reality of life is when you realize that you create your own reality of life. Yes, read that again, you push yourself out of it, the ray of light was already on you but you were closing your eyes, the cold forest was warm but you were standing in the ice water of the lake. It was all you all along but unable to realize that what takes you out of the fantasy of your unsolvable countless puzzle pieces is the one piece you hid under the bed, in that box with a lock on it. The lock can be opened but are you willing to open it?


  1. Beautifully explained through captivating words how one feels! Keep it up.


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