I genuinely do believe that weather can have a strong effect on your mental health. It sounds small that how can hot weather make you feel angry at every small thing and how can rain make you feel like all your problems will and can disappear. Although it does happen just like how the sun disappears among the clouds even when it's soo huge.

Moreover, I do agree we need small things in life to go further, like small motivation on a tiring day to keep moving forward or one small thing to go wrong, to give up. It's all in the small things so let's try to live in the small moments of life and be the ones who never want these small things in life to disappear. 
Starting with myself, clouds and pretty weather give me the motivation to study but sometimes makes me want to sleep, now it's up to me which small moment I want to choose to add to my collection of little small precious moments of Eman 🌸


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